FroshMemo Archived Issue 29 Spring 2021

Hello Gators and welcome to the newest addition of our NSFP FroshMemo!

We encourage you all to build the habit of keeping up with this memo as a way of staying in tune with all of our campus resources, activities, and events for the Spring 2021 semester!  Additionally, compiling dates, deadlines, event times, and any other information you deem helpful into a space where you will not forget it, as this is an easy way to stay on track of all things San Francisco State University related.  This memo is an excellent way to have some fun and enrich your college experience, both socially and academically, here at SFSU! 


Issue 29 Articles

Here is a list of chrome extensions to make your daily life a little easier!


    • A bookmark extension. Clips articles, photos, PDFs, videos, etc.
  • Intelligent Speaker
    • Converts text from blogs, articles, PDFs, docs, to speech. Available offline and on Android and IOS.
  • Teleparty
    • Have a group chat and watch in sync with Netflix, Disney +, Hulu, and HBO Max
  • BlockSite
    • Stay focused and block any distracting sites
  • Hey Habit
    • Habit Tracking Extension
  • coffeelings
    • A mini journal and habit tracker

Associated Students is a fantastic organization that works to support us students, and their elections are coming up!


Associated Students is an on-campus organization that works to support students and advocate for them. These people work hard with on and off-campus resources to make our college experience the best one possible. They also host a plethora of fun, informative, and helpful events. There are leadership positions within Associated Students that any student can run for, and we all vote to elect! 


These elections happen every year. Worry not; you have not missed the vote yet! Candidate open forums run from the 16th until the 23rd! These forums are a great chance to speak with candidates about what they hope to bring to each leadership position. For more information, check out


Being involved in Associated Students elections is very important as these people go on to represent us in critical spaces. Each candidate has so much to offer and so many different visions I would highly suggest reading through their statements! As a student, I really value those who advocate for us and want to have a voice in this process. Make sure to have your voice be heard by voting in this year’s Associated Students election.


One of the helpful class resources we have at our campus is the class schedule webpage, learn about all it offers! 


The class schedule is a great way of conducting advanced class searchers as well as being a helpful asset in seeing what exact courses are offered  at our University.  

 As shown in the screenshot of it’s homepage, quick class searches can be conducted by implementing a course number and term corresponding to a specific class you are looking for.  You can also opt to engage in an advanced class search, where the term, class subject, meeting days, and course attributes as well as other factors can be implemented into the search.  This can be immensely helpful in formulating a schedule that fits your every need and accommodating for outside responsibilities or time restrictions you may have.  

In addition to these forms of aid, there is also a directory present on the page that includes information on registration, fees and refunds, important dates and deadlines, additional features of the class schedule, as well as a tab for feedback about the service.  

Personal Tips: 

  • When choosing classes, it is often helpful to refer back to the Degree Progress Report located in your Student Center to see which course attributes you have yet to complete.
  • Using the “Course Attribute” drop down within Advanced Class Search is very beneficial in finding courses that pertain to attributes you need to complete.  
  • Don’t forget to always make sure you have chosen the correct term when conducting a search or else you will receive classes for a semester you may not wish to view.  
  • When searching through classes, you can see the available seats as well as the number of students on the waitlist, this can assist you in seeing which classes have already been filled and which ones have available seats/space.
  • Classes listed will also specify whether they are:
    • Online Asynchronous (on-demand)
    • Online Synchronous (real-time)
    • Online Bichronous (on-demand/real-time
    • Hybrid Classes


What’s the 411 About the 415?


Hi Alli,


There is a little bit more than a few weeks of instruction until final exams. I have allocated an ample amount of time to study for my exams, yet I do not know how to use it wisely. What are some common studying tips and tricks?


Your Fellow Gator,

Stew Dent


Hi Stew,


Since studying is a unique process for all, there are an abundance of studying tips and tricks to choose from! The following is a list of studying tips and tricks from AsapSCIENCE’s “The 9 BEST Scientific Study Tips:”


  1. “Study sessions are most effective in small, short chunks”
  2. “Setting up specific times in a day or during the week, just to study, primes your brain by creating a routine, and over time, studying actually becomes easier, as your brain is trained to learn in those moments”
  3. “Flash cards, on the other hand, are proven to be excellent memory reinforcement tools”
  4. Helps to have a specific goal for each study session
  5. “When you’re expecting to teach, your brain organizes the information in a more logical, coherent structure”
  7. Have a designated, sacred spot for study, that is well-equipped with every tool you might need
  8. Learning with rhythmic background noise can be detrimental to focus


See ya later, Gator!





P.S. Do YOU have questions without answers? Ask Alli by filling out this form!


Financial & Professional Opportunities!

money with graduation cap

Scholarship Highlight!

University Scholarship

This scholarship will be awarded for the 2021-2022 academic year. Students must enroll FULL-TIME (12 units undergraduate, 8 units graduate) during the 2021-2022 academic year to receive the scholarship. This scholarship seeks to provide financial assistance to continuing SF State students with financial need, demonstrated academic achievement, and community involvement. Go to the posting on Academic Works to get more information and to apply. Apply by May 14, 2021.


graduation cap with suitcase on top

Internship Opportunity!

Public Affairs Intern (remote)

The Public Affairs division advances Essential Access Health’s public policy platform and develops public awareness campaigns to ensure access to quality, comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services and information for all. Our work is grounded in the belief that everyone has the right to access the health services and information they want, with dignity and respect. Essential Access advocates on the local, state and federal levels to protect, strengthen and expand policies and programs that safeguard the progress made in reducing unintended pregnancy rates and ensure that race is no longer a barrier to achieving optimal reproductive health outcomes. Our public awareness campaigns and projects promote information and services women, men and teens need to lead healthy, self-determined lives. The Public Affairs internship is offered to undergraduates seeking to gain professional development and experience in the sexual + reproductive health and public health fields. Apply by June 30, 2021 at this link.

Important Dates and Deadlines

We highly recommend students bookmark or calendar these dates on their phones or computer calendars.

Saturday, February 13-Monday, April 19 Withdrawal from Classes or University (For Compelling Reasons)

Tuesday, April 20 - Friday, May 14 Withdrawal from Class/University (By Exception)

Friday, May 14

Last Day of Instruction

Monday, May 17 - Friday, May 21

Final Exams

Monday, May 10

Fall ‘21 Class Schedule on the Web

Friday, May 21 @5 pm

Credit/NoCredit Deadline

Featured Events

Then and Now: Remembering the Student Strike  aims to recover the histories of student activism and protest at San Francisco State University. Speakers will include Danny Glover and Jerry Vernardo

Join us on the FYE Discord for a round of kahoot and vote for what game you want to play! Vote for: Among Us,, or Cards Against Humanity!


Welcome to Cru, an organization passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. Looking for a community of believers? Have questions about life and God? Just interested in learning what we are all about? Please join our weekly meetings on Wednesdays at 8pm! We frequently have a variety of unique guest speakers and frequently host game nights to get to know one another.

Join HPW's Monthly Art Night to socialize, network, and listen to music along with art and new friends. The SUPP student organization will be co-hosting and facilitating fun activities each month. All you need to bring is yourself and your favorite art supplies.

Casual Friday coffee social. Meet fellow music nerds and peers outside the class setting.

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SFSU Resource of the Week!

Want to get connected with other Gators?

The SFSU NSFP Facebook Page is live and ready to connect you to all of the resources, events, and connections you need. The page will be updated frequently giving you various tools to support you through your years at SFSU. Additionally through the page is a Parent +Family group where parents, guardians, and supporters can interact with each other and with the community. Follow now to learn more of what opportunities you have as a student, parent, supporter, or alumni.


Need Support?

Dean-On-Call Program 

Real-time support for students and those that may be experiencing difficulties in navigating the universities environment

The Dean-On-Call Program serves as an opportunity for students to drop-in for usual or unusual questions, serve as a support or referral resource, and to help students navigate the university environment.

First-Year Experience Peer Mentors

Fellow students are here to connect you to the campus community & provide one-on-one support!

The First-Year Experience Peer Mentor program provides support available to all first-year students at SFSU! Attend the events & study circles that peer mentors hold every week to meet other first-year students & integrate into the community at SFSU. You can also get individualized support by meeting with a peer mentor.

New Student Help Desk 

Help when you need it most! Visit with New Student Programs and the Gator Mentors! 

The New Student Help Desk is open five days a week, Monday - Friday! Make sure to check our website for our current hours! A GatorMentor is always there to answer any pressing questions you may have. The Help Desk is also available for reservations Monday through Friday, from 9 am to 4 pm. If you would like to make a reservation, please email your assigned Gator Mentor directly, and they will assist you in setting up a reservation. Don't have a Gator Mentor? Email us at